New buildings turn up the heat around Time Warner Center

Radical changes are in store for the far Westside [Real Gotham]
"where five new ground-up condominiums and several new rental buildings are currently in process between 66th and 59th Streets, west of Amsterdam Avenue. The most interesting of these condominium buildings are 555 West 59th Street (the Element), rumored to be coming to market as soon as this week, 10 WEA and the Rushmore (90 Riverside Boulevard), both of which will be available within the next two to three months.As Fordham and John Jay College expand their campuses to include several new buildings and this neighborhood becomes truly residential for the first time, these buildings will arguably be the “best buy” on the Upper Westside in the near future. Marketed at a discount to what will be the pricing for an additional eight projects planned for the Westside and Midtown West, they will likely enjoy a higher rate of appreciation than those condominiums in better established neighborhoods, like that of the neighboring Lincoln Center area."
New buildings turn up the heat around Time Warner Center [NYPost] 2/25/2006
"One of Manhattan's hottest neighborhoods is in such a state of flux that it doesn't even have a name yet. Perhaps it will become TiWa. For now, call it the Time Warner Center area or Columbus Circle. Or even Midtown West. Whatever you call it, it seems like it's where everyone wants to be.
The Time Warner Center at Columbus Circle is the area's anchor. The transportation hub is its heart - from the A, B, C, D, 1 and 9 trains at 59th Street and Columbus Circle to the N, R, Q and W trains at 57th Street and Seventh Avenue to the F train at 57th Street and Sixth Avenue. Central Park is its soul.
The neighborhood, which can be defined from 54th Street to 63rd Street from Broadway to West End Avenue, began to come into its own with the 2000 opening of the Hudson Hotel on West 58th Street. But the opening of the Time Warner Center and the Mandarin Oriental Hotel in 2004 is what really redefined the area."
More Information:
Element Condominium
10 West End
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