Flashback 2003

[Daily News] 4/30/03
Hearst house The Hearst Corp. kicks off construction of its $500 million, 36-story add-on to its corporate headquarters today. The project will add a futuristic glass-and-steel tower atop Hearst's 76-year-old stone landmark. London architect Norman Foster designed the addition, which will transform the squat, six-story building into a 42-story office tower. Foster ranked among the acclaimed architects tapped last year to submit design proposals for Ground Zero but was passed over in favor of Daniel Libeskind. Some 200 employees have already started vacating the building, 959 Eighth Ave., at W. 57th St. Good Housekeeping - the magazine and its famed "institute," where products are tested for the seal of approval - moved to another Hearst building, 250 W. 56th St. Top Hearst execs will move to the 10th and 42nd floors of 1345 Sixth Ave., at W. 54th St.
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