Why Robin Likes Columbus Circle West

I went to the sales offices for 10 West End Avenue and the Element. It was hard for me to picture the area even though I am a veteran Westsider. It's not like anyone casually spends a lot of time on 11th Avenue/West End unless they park their car over there or work for BMW. It was difficult to imagine where the new buildings were going to be with respect to each other. I had to walk over there and see for myself.
Once you walk over there you realize it's really not that far from Columbus Circle, only three avenues away. I am closer to Central Park there then if I bought something on Second Avenue. Columbus Circle West (CCW)'s luxury and amenities being offered are to die for and the prices are very reasonable when compared to other condos. Tax abatements, which phase out over a 10 year period, take the bite out of the monthly carrying charges.
This will be such a high-end area because there are a lot of abandoned garages and warehouses that can be torn down and turned into luxury highrise towers. It's already happening.
What I like about Columbus Circle West is it will integrate nicely into the area.
Photo taken 8/20/06 - Currently under construction. Scheduled to open March 2006.
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